way to bypass "default browser"?
Scott Rossi
scott at tactilemedia.com
Tue Nov 25 19:19:45 EST 2003
On 11/25/03 2:30 PM, "Rob Gould" <rgould8 at aol.com> wrote:
> I've got an app that relies on Internet Explorer - - if the user has
> Safari set up as their default browser on Mac OS X, is there a way I can
> do a brute-force "launch http://www.registrationwebsite.com with
> Internet Explorer", no matter what the default browser is set to?
One way would be to create launch file with IE type and creator codes and
launch the document. The following writes an HTML file to the temp
directory and launches the URL in an IE browser window (adapted from a
"brute force" launching script I posted some time ago):
on mouseUp
launchFile "http://www.runrev.com/"
end mouseUp
on launchFile tURL
put the tempName into tLaunchPath
set itemDel to "/"
put "temp_launch.html" into last item of tLaunchPath
set itemDel to ","
put createHTML(tURL) into tCode
set the fileType to "MSIETEXT"
put tCode into url ("file:" & tLaunchPath)
delete char 1 of tLaunchPath
replace "/" with ":" in tLaunchPath
put "tell application" && quote & "Finder" & quote & cr &\
"open file" && quote & tLaunchPath & quote & cr &\
"end tell" into S
do S as AppleScript
end launchFile
function createHTML tURL
put \
"<html>" & return &\
"<head>" & return &\
"<meta http-equiv=" & quote & "Refresh" & quote && "content=" &\
quote & "0; URL=" & tURL & quote & ">" & return &\
"<title>Launcher</title>" & return &\
"</head>" & return &\
"<body>" & return &\
"<center>" & return &\
"<BR><BR><BR>" & return &\
"Loading URL. One moment please..." & return &\
"</center>" & return &\
"</body>" & return &\
"</html>" into tCode
return tCode
end createHTML
Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at tactilemedia.com
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com
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