cgi create card script question

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Mon Nov 24 04:17:45 EST 2003

At 5:14 pm -0500 23/11/03, <pbower at> wrote:
>My basic problem:
>  I can create a card in a stack using buttons and the command line 
>but this fails when the command is given from an otherwise fully 
>functional cgi script.    details.....
>running apache on a linux computer:
>I have  a stack "test1" in my cgi-bin folder
>I have cgi scripts running mc executing everything just fine except
>for the life of me when I have this code in the cgi script.........
>start using stack "test1"
>create card
>save stack "test1"
>close stack "test1"
>nothing happens.
>The rest of the script runs without a hitch.

"start using" isn't the same as opening a stack, so I wouldn't expect 
it to work. Try putting <open stack "test 1"> before the "create 
card" command, and see what happens. Although I'm not sure if that 
will work either. If not, try using <send "create card" to stack 
"test 1"> instead.


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