backreferences in PCRE?

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Thu Nov 13 17:10:46 EST 2003

At 2:15 pm -0700 13/11/03, Dar Scott wrote:

>Yikes.  I mean the negative assertion (?<!  ).  This should also 
>take care of the start.
>So tinker with this:
>replaceText(pStr, "(?<!\\)\\"&quote, "\"&quote)

Thanks for the pointer, Dar. It looks like this will do it.

   put "(?<!\\)" & quote into tRegEx
   replaceText(tStr, tRegEx, "\" & quote)
Although for this example, this might be easier:

   replace quote with "\" & quote in tStr
   replace "\\" & quote with "\" & quote in tStr

At 12:40 pm -0700 13/11/03, Alex Rice wrote:
>I can't remember- are any of Rev's REGEX functions capable of doing 

Alex, it seems you can't backreference in the replacement expression 
as in Perl, but you can in the "find" expression, using "\1", "\2", 

In Perl, I don't think the $1, $2, etc. in the replacement expression 
are strictly regular expression  elements. They are really special 
Perl variables. For example, you can use $1 at anytime after a match 
and it will still hold the matched value.. However, it would be nice 
to have this ability in Rev, but I don't think $1, etc, would work as 
it would clash with Rev's environment variables.


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