Image advice please

Tereza Snyder tereza at
Mon Nov 10 19:44:56 EST 2003

on 11.10.03 2:59 PM, Ken Norris wrote:

> The problem comes when the opaque "bracket" seems to include an opaque white
> space as part of its rectangle between it's top and bottom arms, right where
> the "plastic bar" is supposed to go. That is, that part of the plastic bar
> can no longer see through.
> How do I marry the opaque bracket to the see-through bar in such a way that
> the metal part of the bracket image is opaque, but 'nothing', i.e., no
> opaque white section, is in the part where the see-through bar fits (I tried
> all the inks, but nothing works properly)?
> Maybe I'm not using the right type of image. I dunno.

You didn't mention what type of image your "bracket" was. From what I can
imagine, you should use a GIF or PNG that's transparent in the center part
and group it with your gradient. No inks necessary.


+ Tereza Snyder 
+ Senior Software Developer
+ Attainment Company, Inc.
+ <>
+ 800.327.4269

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