.swf files & Rev

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Mon Nov 10 08:59:58 EST 2003

Hi Sims,

> Rev Players can play ".swf" files to some degree.

Yes, i think up to Flash version 5...

Not sure about version 6.

> Can anyone tell me what the Type/Creator code for ".swf" files is?

Hm, all SWF files on my hd do NOT have a creator/type...

I "saved as ..." from the QT player and ended with:


as its filetype...
Just the QT movie code...?

> Am I correct in thinking that there would be only one version of 
> ".swf" file?

Not sure, the plug-in info in Safari also lists:

Mime type: application/futuresplash
Description: FutureSplash Player
Suffix: spl

> Do all Flash files which play from web pages use ".swf" as an 
> extension?

Probably yes...

But the web is BIG and there might still be some surprises or two... ;-)

> tia

yw ;-)

> sims


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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