Diff algorithm

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at mac.com
Tue Nov 4 11:56:29 EST 2003

Here is a script I wrote to compare 2 folders for files and folders 
that were present in each and unique to each. I never bothered to make 
it recursive.

Fields "three", "four", and "five" are visible and is where the output 
is sent to.

on mouseUp
   prepFields -- handler in stack script to clear fields
   lock screen
   -- field "one" contains a directory listing for "Folder1" and is 
   -- field "two" contains a directory listing for "Folder2" and is 
   repeat for each line tLine in field "one" -- compare Folder1 against 
     find string tLine in field "two" -- for each line see if you can 
find it anywhere in field "two"
     if the result is not empty then
       put the URLDecode of item one of tLine & return after field 
"three" -- Unique to Folder1
       put the URLDecode of item one tLine & return after field "five" 
-- Common to both folders
     end if
   end repeat
   repeat for each line tLine in field "two" -- now compare Folder2 
against Folder1
     find string tLine in field "one" -- for each line see if you can 
find it anywhere in field "one"
     if the result is not empty then
       put the URLDecode of item one tLine & return after field "four" 
-- Unique to Folder2
     end if
   end repeat
   sort field "five"
   unlock screen with dissolve fast
end mouseUp

As an interesting aside, I wrote this as an example stack just to show 
someone how to do it in Rev but never thought I would actually use it. 
It wasn't 3 weeks before I was transfering files from one server to 
another and I got a report that some files were not able to transfer 
but it didn't say which ones. This app worked perfectly to tell me 
which ones didn't make it.

Bill Vlahos

On Nov 3, 2003, at 11:21 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Anyone implement a diff algorithm in xTalk?
> My goal is to compare the words in two blocks of text and output a 
> combined
> block of text showing words present in the first block but absent in 
> the
> second ("deleted") in red with a strikeout, and words present in the 
> second
> but absent from the first ("added") in blue.
> This is one of those things that seems simple enough, yet in looking 
> at the
> various algorithms floating around the Web apparently it is not.  I 
> had a
> version that kinda worked on lines but only kinda, so here I am....
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
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