ideas wanted for secure display of media resources

Scott Rossi scott at
Mon Nov 3 19:45:23 EST 2003

> If anyone knows a good secure way of managing and displaying media
> assets within Revolution please let me know.

Who do you want to prevent from accessing the media?  Any end user, or only
unlicensed users?  If you only want to thwart unlicensed users, storing the
media in some kind of password protected file (database, stack, etc) is
probably a good way to go.

Otherwise, you should keep in mind that once something is displayed on
screen, it can be copied via screen capture tools.  Utilities exist to
capture the screen over time (ie movies/animation), as well as static
images.  Even DVD copy protection can be circumvented, so you'll be hard
pressed to find a completely secure method of asset delivery.  Obscuring the
asset location/s and filenames are probably reasonable options for you,
barring the more costly custom/external options.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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