Losing the amateur.

Dr.John R.Vokey vokey at uleth.ca
Sun Nov 2 23:25:09 EST 2003

   I think you (and many others) have missed the point.  Before RR, I 
(or you, or anyone else) could, and did, routinely provide stacks and 
the url for metacard so that the users of these stacks could, indeed, 
use them.  No standalones.  No need for them to purchase the engine 
(however ``reasonable''---give me a break--US$75 for the minimum?)--and 
no need to download a net-tested, 30-day ``demo''.

I have used, paid for, and promoted metacard for years (ask Scott 
Raney, if he agrees, to provide his records), and served as a 
beta-tester for RR; this RR attitude is *not* consistent with what 
Scott Raney and the MC team used to support.  *If* a free---no network 
checked, 30-day ``demo''---of MC (i.e., an ``engine to run the stacks) 
were still (and always) freely available, I would be less concerned, 
but don't you (or Gay, or ...) defend the current model as 
``reasonable'' as if that were the issue.  It is fundamentally 
different.  And, I believe, contrary to what most of us supporting and 
promoting MC over the years thought we were supporting and promoting.  
Like Ryno Swart, ``I am just a bit disappointed.''  Forget that: I am 
totally disappointed.

On Sunday, November 2, 2003, at 09:12  PM, 
use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:

>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am just a bit disappointed.
>> $75 for the "Express" version is not prohibitive even for amateurs,
>> unless they are only looking for free software.
> ----------
> You bet.
> That's $24 US less than Apple's HyperCard, which has been effectively
> "steved" for over 6 years, and, for all its attributes, is not in the 
> same
> modern ball park, utitlity-wise, as Rev, and $54 US less, straight 
> out, than
> SuperCard is for a HyperCard crossgrade deal.
> NOTE: I'm not knocking SuperCard. I have the Developer's Edition, and 
> use it
> a lot (great editor choices). Plus, believe it or not, I still find 
> some of
> HC's solid features worth keeping it aboard.
> In short, though, take your best shot. I don't think you can beat Rev 
> for
> $75. True, you can only develop and distribute for a single platform 
> with
> this version, but the same is true of other xTalk products in that 
> class.
> So if it is so that you actually have to pay a paltry $75 for what may
> arguably be the best-in-class developer tool in the world...well, 
> please
> forgive me if I fail see the reason for the complaint.
> Ken N.
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.                       |\      _,,,---,,_
Professor                                  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge                  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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