[OT] Rev on Linux PPC - Would you use it?

David Wilkinson dwilk at globalnet.co.uk
Sun Nov 2 06:12:22 EST 2003

On Saturday 01 November 2003 9:41 pm, you wrote:
> My lone linux student (using an intel box I think) has complained
> mightily to me that he's had nothing but trouble trying to use the
> trying to use the 30-day eval version and so has given up......

My own experience, on a Redhat derived distro on intel/amd using 
gnome wm, is that Rev versions > 2.0.x are  unusable since the ide 
quits with absolute reliability if you click apply in the script 
editor.  Some guidance as to how to extract core dumps might be 
useful here.

My impression is that Rev is less stable on Linux than elsewhere.  
For example , when you save a stack with a new name and have a 
script editor window open which refers to the original,  if you 
focus the editor, the ide will quit corrupting both stacks.  If you 
open the documentation, you can guarantee that an error loop will 
occur, so severe  that it is almost impossible to open a tty to kill 
the process - you have to reboot, a very rare requirement with Linux.

There are usually workarounds:  since X-windows provides multiple 
desktops, you can open another instance of Rev just to run the 
documentation, and you can rename the stack in a terminal. But if 
you have never had a working version of Rev, you would assume that 
it was not a capable environment, without any question. 

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