"Table" object in Rev2

Alex Rice alrice at ARCplanning.com
Thu May 29 12:04:20 EDT 2003

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 10:24  AM, Barry Levine wrote:

> How does one specify the number of rows and columns in a table (field) 
> object? It seems as if a user may add columns by tabbing out of the 
> "last one" displayed.
> What I'm trying to do is have a fixed number of rows and columns that 
> cannot be changed by the user. Scroll bars may be necessary (and I see 
> I can have these simply by clicking the appropriate choice).

I believe you have to implement the limits yourself by handling the 
rawKeyDown message.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at ARCplanning.com
alrice at swcp.com

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