text to speech

Emmanuel Companys mcompanys at mac.com
Wed May 28 15:00:04 EDT 2003

I'd like to use the RR 2.0 text to speech feature at least for the two 
languages Apple provides the apprpriate software: english and mexican 
spanish. But

•  Te revSpeak command does not operate. The help Dictionary says : "If 
text to speech is not available on the current system, the revSpeak 
command sets the result function to an error message"; but I don't get 
any message; besides I am sure the function is in my system (10.2.6) 
since I can use it with TexEdit. Are there some externals to be 

• If I get the revSpeak command to work, how can I have the program 
choose to use the spanish or th english program?


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