Building Mac Standalones from Windows

Ted tedl at
Fri May 23 13:36:00 EDT 2003

Prior to the iMac's introduction, I saw a survey which showed that more than
70 percent of all Macs sold since 1985 were still in use. I don't know what
the percentage is today, but this does show that Mac users hang on
indefinitely and in large numbers.

An often-repeated statistic is that there are about 30 million Mac users.
Since OS X requires at least a G3 with 128 MB of RAM, it's likely that large
numbers of Mac users wouldn't be able to update to OS X even if they wanted
to. In order for OS X to thoroughly penetrate the market, possibly millions of
Mac users will have to buy new computers or install more physical RAM.

Both Apple and Microsoft reportedly have had disappointing OS sales. Just a
few months ago, I read an article which stated that 60 percent of Windows
users were still using Windows 98.

Backward compatibility does ring the cash register. For a first-hand look, go
to any large computer store, and look at the software system requirements.


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