Countdown - a programming challenge.

Derek Huby derek.huby at
Thu May 22 15:25:00 EDT 2003

OK - we've sorted out that šF -> šC problem, and now (I think) we've got to
the bottom of Revolution's order of precedence in arithmetic. I've even
sorted out my problems with distribution builder. What next?

I like the idea of 'good problems' - i.e. problems that are a little
intriguing, and challenge interested parties to develop their programming
skills a little. I think that problems of this sort can be a good way to
learn some of the ins and outs of a language like Transcript.

So, if anybody's interested...

UK readers will be familiar with Channel 4's 'Countdown' TV programme. I'm
wondering how to go about writing a fast(ish) program in Revolution to solve
the Countdown numbers game.

If you don't know the game, a good place to start is:

[French readers will recognise the game as a copy of the French original!]

There are quite a few programming solutions in other languages, such as the
following two links:

Unfortunately, I don't understand a word of the solutions at the above
links, but I'm sure somebody on the list does... and in any case, I'm
optimistic that we can come up with a good Revolutionary solution to the
problem. I'll have a go at it myself, but (a) my solution will be rubbish,
and (b) I wonder if anybody has any ideas...


Derek Huby
KS3 Mathematics Consultant
East Sussex County Council

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