Multiline message box on a PC laptop?????

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Tue May 20 23:51:01 EDT 2003

>but meanwhile here is a workaround for you:
>1. In Preferences, turn on "Contextual menus work in Revolution windows" if
>it's not already on.
>2. In the message box, with the multi-line mode showing,
>control-shift-right-click the top field and choose "Edit Script" from the
>menu. Add the following to the script:
>on returnInField
>  if the controlKey is down then revExecuteMessage
>  else pass returnInField
>end returnInField
>3. Apply and close the script.
>4. Control-shift-right-click again and choose "Save" from the "Card &
>Stack" submenu.


This didn't work (it still toggled the cursor from pane to pane). For one 
thing, the laptops only have an Enter key, not a Return key, so I'd think 
the ReturnInField handler would never get executed. In addition, there's 
already a On EnterInField handler in the Message Box script. It reads:

On EnterInField
End EnterInField

So this handler (revExecuteMessage) should be getting executed anyway. 
Unfortunately, I have had time to go through revExecuteMessage to see 
what's going on. But I just wanted to give you this heads up.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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