Crashing stack in Mac OS9
Jan Bleeker
jan.bleeker at
Tue May 20 13:26:31 EDT 2003
Op 20-05-2003 om 02:52 -0400 meldde
use-revolution-request at ons het volgende:
>From: Howard Bornstein <bornstein at>
>To: <use-revolution at>
>Reply-To: use-revolution at
>>The stack opens, does some checking (data-stacks
>>present?), starts to use 2 "library"-stacks, and then when filling
>>(well, trying to) some dozen fields on various cards of the substack
>>'memberdata': the crash.
>Does this crash at the same place every time? I.e. while executing the
>same code line? Obviously, if so, this code deserves more scrutiny.
>If it always crashes while going to a specific card, it sounds similar to
>a case I ran into a while ago. A card seemed to become corrupt. Rev would
>crash whenever that card was accessed. The strange thing was, I was
>developing under OS 9.2.1 but it'd only crash in the Windows standalone
>build. I went to the offending card, cloned it, deleted the original, and
>all was well again!! Go figure.
>If it's a card that's the problem, I'd give this a try.
>Howard Bornstein
>D E S I G N E Q
thanks for the clone-suggestions. I'll try this weekend.
(No code was changed).
Jan Bleeker
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