Crashing stack in Mac OS9

Jan Bleeker jan.bleeker at
Mon May 19 14:07:01 EDT 2003

Mac OS 9.1 Dutch
Rev 1.1.1


since the release of Rev 1.1.1 I have been building a stack to manage 
data for Dutch swimming clubs (member data, matches, etc).
Since last week the stack crashes the Revolution environment with a 
type 2 error. The stack opens, does some checking (data-stacks 
present?), starts to use 2 "library"-stacks, and then when filling 
(well, trying to) some dozen fields on various cards of the substack 
'memberdata': the crash.
So I went back a couple of versions, but after removing personal data 
from fields and saving those stacks, they crash too. So I changed the 
in-use-stacks, changed datastacks: same desastrous results.
Put Rev 1.1.1 in a disk-image, downloaded Rev 2.0 RC1. Same crash.

the same stack opens without problems in W98SE with Rev 2.0 RC1. Did 
even some changing and saving.
The stack opens in Mac OS X with Rev 2.0 RC1 too.

So, what is going on?
  - Did I stumble upon "something strange" in the Mac OS9 environment
  - Or did some corruption get into the stack; if so, does anyone know 
how to locate the offending object?

(While being on OS X I can confirm that Rev looses track of hours 
when converting a time to seconds, subtracting 50 minutes, and 
converting the seconds back to time. Somewhere an hour is added. 
13:30 minus 50 minutes becomes 13:40).

Jan Bleeker

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