Pinging via shell stops my script

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Sun May 18 07:15:00 EDT 2003

--- RGould8 at wrote:
> I've got a script (below) that refuses to execute
> any lines after the shell 
> command is executed.   Any idea why this is
> happening?   If I do the shell 
> via Applescript, it works.   It's only when using
> the new shell command in 
> Rev 2.0 that it ceases to continue.   I've done
> other shell commands just 
> fine.   The ping result is instantaneous in the
> Terminal application.
> put "/sbin/ping -c 1" into
> shelltorun
> shell(shelltorun)
> put the result into data

The Transcript Dicoinary claims that 'shell' is a
function. Try this:

 put "/sbin/ping -c 1" into shelltorun
 put shell(shelltorun) into data

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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