Off Topic: Puzzle

Dar Scott dsc at
Sat May 17 18:44:00 EDT 2003

Spoiler below...

On Saturday, May 17, 2003, at 12:42 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:

> I thought RunRev fans would enjoy the recent Car Talk puzzle. (Car 
> Talk is a popular American Saturday Public Radio program in the US.)
> What were the two temperatures?

This handler found some candidate solutions:

on mouseUp
   put empty into field "report"
   repeat with f = -99.9 to 99.9 step .1
     put (5/9)*(f - 32) into c
     set numberFormat to "00."
     if ((char -1 of f) = (char -2 of c)) and ((char -1 of c)= (char -2 
of f)) then
       --set numberFormat to "00.0"
       Put "C = " & c & "   F = " & f & lineFeed after field "report"
     end if
   end repeat
end mouseUp

(I was too lazy to get rid of the redundant solutions listed by the 
above handler.)

The candidates are these:

C = -11   F = 11
C = 04   F = 40
C = 16   F = 61
C = 28   F = 82

Since there might be objections to the first two, I would guess that in 
the morning the F reading was about 61 degrees and later in the day the 
reading was about 82 degrees.

The credit goes to Revolution, of course.

Dar Scott

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