Is it my mouse acting strange or it it RR 2.0???

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Wed May 14 10:04:02 EDT 2003

I have noticed the same behavior, but not consistently (on OS X). It 
may be associated with holding down the command key, as when you are 
selecting text with the mouse then copying with Cmd-C, but I haven't 
been able to pin it down. If I can come up with a recipe I'll send it.


> Does anybody else have a problem, when selecting a control and it 
> sticks to
> the pointer???
> I first thought it was my wireless mouse, but I still have this strange
> behaviour when using a regular mouse...
> Just click on any control to select it, and it either sends a 
> doubleclick or
> it moves the object.
> Also, when clicking on =B3Select Grouped=B2 or =B3Edit Group=B2 
> doesn=B9t
> work on the
> first click, most of the times I have to click it more then once. I 
> also
> blamed this on a hardware-problem, but now it still works like this, 
> even
> with a new mouse :(
> Anybody any advice, or at least the support that I am not the only one?

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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