Here we go again on launch
Dan Friedman
dan at
Sat May 10 11:33:05 EDT 2003
Here's the code that I use to open a pdf file. Of course, if your going to
use this on Windoz, you'll have to change the queryRegistry function to to
point to the correct application. Hope it helps...
on doAcrobat openThisPDF
if the platform = "MacOS" then
replace "/" with ":" in openThisPDF
delete char 1 of openThisPDF
put "tell application" && quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & "open file" &&
quote & openThisPDF & quote & cr & "end tell" into appleScriptMessage
do appleScriptMessage as appleScript
put the openProcesses into tProcesses
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tProcesses
kill process line i of tProcesses
end repeat
put it into AcrobatLocation
replace "\" with "/" in AcrobatLocation
set the itemDel to quote
put item 2 of AcrobatLocation into AcrobatLocation
put openThisPDF into openThisPDF
launch openThisPDF with AcrobatLocation
end if
end doAcrobat
> I hate to admit it but I never solved my Launch problem from 2 months
> ago and I need help. I've got an Appleworks 6 file titled MyPres on my
> hard drive called "Macintosh HD." My Appleworks 6 application is in an
> "Appleworks 6" folder in the Applications folder of my hard drive.
> Here are the paths:
> "/Macintosh HD/MyPres"
> "/Macintosh HD/Applications/Appleworks 6/Appleworks
> I have tried every combination of these paths and am still not able to
> Launch MyPres with Appleworks 6. Can anyone please help?
> Thanks, Roger
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