Revolution 2.0: Release Candidate

David Vaughan dvk at
Fri May 9 17:29:01 EDT 2003

On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 00:45 Australia/Sydney, Rob Cozens 
<rcozens at> wrote:

>> Please let us know as soon as possible, complete with a recipe to
>> reproduce the problem, if you find any bugs in this version.
> I suspect this may have been around forever; but I just ran into it:
>     put newValue into line 2 to -1 of item 1 of sdbBuffer
> gives me "bad chunk order:must be small to large"
> Since when can't I have multi-line items?  HyperTalk never had a 
> problem with it, and I didn't think Transcript did either.
> I'm forced to script 3 lines when one should do:
>     get item 1 of sdbBuffer
>     put newValue into line 2 to -1 of it
>     put it into item 1 of sdbBuffer


I tried your code in HyperCard, since I have not seen it before, and 
found that your one-liner and three-liner produce different results. In 
any event, it seems a weird construction <g> inserting lines where you 
had an item and pushing other items into the last of the lines. Yes, it 
has been around forever (and is engine, not RR) but is this rational 
ordering of chunks a problem? It seems a fair defence against egregious 
error and as you note, is easy to script around when you must.

> -- 
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company

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