getting through? postgres questions

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at
Wed May 7 18:21:00 EDT 2003


I formerly posted this message in ugly html with a nasty
attachment of a screen shot, horribly polluting the archives.
Very sorry!  Perhaps that is why no one replied??

Here it is again ---


This is my first post, checking to see if I have the right address.
Question:  is there a search engine for the email archives?  Or do you
have to choose the threads one at a time for each past month and search
slowly for topics?  Just trying to avoid asking questions that were
already asked.

problem:  uanble to connect to postgres with rev.

Ok, Kevin suggested I get the new beta (i had an old beta where the db
tools were part of the property inspector) and use the tools menu to
connect to postgres .. which is where I have been having trouble.

I have made some progress but still cannot connect.  The older version
I was using of Rev gave very little error info but the version I
just installed has more complete error messages, so that is helpful.
This particular message is about my set up at home; I have something
similar at work but real systems administrators there too!  At home its
only me.  Later I will post resultsfrom work.  Here goes:

This is on a Win98SE platform connecting to a Linux host (RH 6.2) with
PostgreSQL (6.5) over my LAN.  I have a Linksys router/firewall.

Is there a help dialogue somewhere on how to fill in the fields in the
'db query manager'  screen (I assume that is where I set up a connection?)
Sorry could not find that in the documentation.  I have attached a screen
shot, can this mailing list take attachments?

Here are things I have done so far:

1) I opened port 5432 on my firewall, which is the ODBC port or TCP port,
as I understand it, that postgres listens on by default.  That seemed
to help in previous experiments.

2) The first error message from rev I got indicated there was no entry
in the pg_hba.conf file for me.  So I read the postgres man page on that
and added the following entry:

host         all   trust

As I understand it this should allow an internet type connection (host)
for any user (all) on any machine my local area network (next 2 numbers
anded) and accept the connection (trust).  The linux host is
and my PC is (IP addresses).

Ok, that seemed to help and now the error message I get is different,
it says

revdb error - server closed the connection unexpectedly   (full message
in screen shot).

hmmm... i can log in to the host and run queries with the interactive
query manager, psql, so the data base is not hosed or anything.

how can i get more info out of rev about what is going on?  what sort
of tests can i run, such as, making calls to library routines in the
message box?  any sample scripts out there for that?

I tried this in the message box, and it returned '6' .. does this mean
the connection opened?  So why didn't it work in the query manager then?


(real password changed to ****)

Then I tried running a query, using the 6 returned by the previous call

revQueryDatabase(6,"select * from azz where title ~* 'spa filter';")

it returned 7.  What does that mean?  each different variation I tried
(such as adding a variable name, etc), just returned the next number
(8,9, ...)


thank you!


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