Color My Word--Open

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Sun Mar 30 17:29:01 EST 2003

>Need an easy way to open the Color palette for a non-scripter to use. 
> I'm stumped!
>I got as far as making rev's Object menu work in my stack, so the user 
>can manually set the selected text to the pen color; but I can't make a 
>button to open the Color palette.  Its name changes from 
>RevPropertiesPalette2 to other numbers and the rev code is pretty 
>complex, gives error messages when I try to use it.  I don't have to 
>incorporate the whole revMenuBar in the standalone, do I?  Any advice, 


I think what you are looking for is the "answer color" command.

Try this:

Create a text field, add some text to it and lock the field.

Put this code in the text field script:

on mouseup
  put the clickchunk into usertext
  answer color
  put it into chosencolor
  set the textcolor of usertext to chosencolor
end mouseup

Does this do what you're trying to do?


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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