Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Sun Mar 23 19:52:01 EST 2003


My guess is you have a path problem. In RR from the msg do:

put the externals of this stack

to tell you what your stack currently 'thinks' is the path to the dll.

If there is any path info other than the name, then it probably won't work.
I always

set the externals of this stack to "fred.dll"

and keep a copy of the fred.dll in the same place as the RunRev application.
Then when building a standalone, copy the fred.dll to the same folder as
where the standalone runs from. Remember, you can't  execute a:

set the externals of this stack to "fred.dll"

on startup from a runtime. In order for DLL's to work, the external property
must be saved with the stack, then launched anew.

Hope this helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com]On Behalf Of Dan Friedman
> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:59 AM
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Subject: DLLs
> Hello,
> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong...
> I have a dll that I want to call.  The script that communicates
> with the DLL
> is the main stack.  I have set the destroyWindow of the stack to
> true and I
> have set the externals of the stack to "myDLL.dll" (I can't use a
> hard coded
> path because I don't know where the user will install this app).  I have
> closed and reopened the stack as advised in the "destroyWindow"
> entry in the
> Transcript Dictionary.  Just before I reopen the stack, I set the
> defaultFolder to the standalone's path so it will find "myDLL.dll".
> When running in RR, it works fine.  However, in a standalone it fails.
> After futzing with it for over 16 hours, I thought I would write this list
> and see if any one had any thoughts?
> Thank you in advance,
> Dan
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