Send an eMail attachment?

Revinfo1155 at Revinfo1155 at
Sat Mar 22 14:20:00 EST 2003

In a message dated 3/22/03 2:04:51 PM, dan at writes:

> Greetings fellow Revolutionists,
> Does anyone know a way to send an eMail from a stack that includes an
> attachment?  I see that in RR 2.0 there is a new revMail command that acts
> like clicking a "mailto:" link in a browser.  For me, this would be fine.
> However, I want to include an attachment also.  Is this possible?
> Thank you in advance,
> Dan

Here's a button script that works in 1.1.1

on mouseUp
   revGoURL "mailto:Jack at"
end mouseUp

This opens your regular email program which you can then do attachments etc.

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