Scripted musical notation available
erik hansen
erikhans08 at
Fri Mar 21 01:22:01 EST 2003
--- Luigi Di Martino <mirrorman54 at>
> Take a chance
> And dance with me
> Turn around
> And set us free
> Wear a smile
> Light the sky
> Move to Love
> Will never die
> Just checked out your website and I see what
> you mean. You didn't mention
> Hank! Dancing is something I have always
> enjoyed, and I wish you the best
> with your ideas, which I like the sound of.
thanks, Lui. i didn't know they listened to Old
Hank in Italia, but am glad to hear it.
my Rev dance app. uses images (formerly) buttons
to of dancers moving around the screen. rotating
the image of a dancer (in a 32 x 32 area)
distorted the image, so i just pixeled out
quasi-clones facing in 8 directions. i am using
separate cards for each iteration, if that is the
correct expression, so that directional arrows
can be drawn on each card.
at the moment all of the "guys" and "dolls" are
Mexican Folklorico dancers. there is a group of
kids i am videoing extensively and would like to
try out the concept of stepping through Rev code
to teach them math.
an example: my start point for a dancer is
100,100 the destination is 180,140. i can choose
to delineate 8 increments (to go with music) so
the images will move in increments of -(80/10) on
the x axis and -(40/8) on the y axis. right away
you have introduced Cartesian coordinates and
shown how computers count down the screen.
the teaching pros could use this tool in any
number of ways. whatever quizes, games, and
teaching strategies they like.
same thing with the music. everything is number
based, and all of the calculations can be stepped
through and shown to be very simple if taken one
step at a time. a way to combine composition.
math and logic.
thanks for letting me bend your ear, Erik
erik at
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