Stuck in "Background" window

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Mar 18 15:51:04 EST 2003

On 3/18/03 11:13 AM, Ken Norris wrote:

> I tried replacing the line with:
> 1) stop editing group "myImageGroup"
> then:
> 2) send "stop editing group myImageGroup" to me in 20 milliseconds
> then:
> 3_) stop editing (like it was originally)

None of those will work. When you want to stop editing a background, you 
have to refer to it as "background" (just like in HC), not "group". 
During background editing, the group you are editing is no longer a 
group, per se. Use this syntax eactly:

  stop editing bg "myImageGroup"

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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