Supercard vs. Rev

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Fri Mar 14 11:23:01 EST 2003

--- Tim Hart <timothy.hart5 at> wrote:
> So now that Supercard 4 is out.  What are your
> opinions?  I was reading 
> in MacWorld and they kind of made a stab at Rev for
> waiting so long to 
> release 2.  I have to say it is funny.  I mean what
> is the hold up.  I 
> don't mean to be a jerk but I don't see how they
> could possibly miss 
> their original announcement by 4 months of just bug
> fixing.  What is 
> going on?

Well, Til, let's see how a group of developers usually
ends up in this type of situation :
- have a large number of users all asking for
extensions for their particular field of work
- worst-case scenario extension to this is when you
have a bunch of salespeople promising heaven on earth
without having a clue as to how much work is needed
- have a huge load of brilliant ideas yourself and
feel the urge to squeeze them all in
- make quick prototypes and horribly underestimate the
time needed to not only fully develop them, but also
to debug them and subsequently polish the thing 'till
it shines
- realise late in the project that you'll have to
change the line up for either short-term or long-term
- be dependent on another vendor for core technology
(MetaCard 2.5 is still in beta, and I don't think that
was exactly planned either)
- have to find work-arounds for limitations, bugs and
incompatibilities at OS level
- interrupt your schedule for work that will bring in
cash right away rather than getting sucked dry by a
project that is already behind schedule
- feel the competition breathing down your neck and
the subsequent additional feature creep
- mix in pressure from a few more angles, and see some
people actually underperforming because of it
- add bugs because of all this, and you get a very
tough product development cycle

Of course I have no clue which of the above applies to
RunRev. However, having been in the business myself
for some time, whilst keeping my eyes open, has shown
that the above in some cases culminates in projects
that have spun out of control and need the plug pulled
(Pink/Taligent/Copland anyone?)

However, the fact that we've seen a steady stream of
pre-beta updates lately goes to show that no panic is
needed. As eager as anyone here on this list to get my
grubby little paws on the final version, I have no
doubt we'll see a solid upgrade emerging soon.
And having been dependent on Microsoft development
tools in the past, I'd rather they take their time to
do it right, not just ship it.

Just my two euro-cents,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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