Fixed (was Can't see

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Mar 3 15:26:00 EST 2003

On 3/3/03 10:45 AM, Ken Norris wrote:
> After Jacque's font fix I trashed the old
> folder and downloaded again. This time I could see and open the stack from
> Rev.
> So, the non-existence of a font style used in a file may cause list dialogs
> to ignore the existence of the file under OS 9.1?

Doubtful. I'd suspect Jan's explanation is the better one -- that the 
creator and type codes didn't get translated from the Stuffit archive. 
I'm not sure why that would happen, since most people are downloading 
and opening the file okay, and since I used the same process to stuff 
the second version.

I tried to contact you offlist, but my email bounced back. If you have 
any other trouble with Shakobox, contact me offlist and we'll figure it 
out. Then if necessary I can post any update information here to the 
list. We may as well spare everyone the gory details. ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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