Stopping the User from Adding/Removing Lines to a field

Igor Couto igor at
Sat Jun 28 23:01:01 EDT 2003

Dear Ken,

On Sunday, June 29, 2003, at 01:24  PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> Do you mean that you can't use Unicode text in list fields? I didn't 
> know
> that...

There are some severe bugs/limitations. You cannot, for instance, 
reliably copy unicodeText into a LINE of a field. To properly place 
unicode text INTO a field, you have to set the contents of the entire 
field at once. Plus, the source has to be either an external file, or 
the contents of another field (it does not work reliably trying to set 
it from, let's say, a variable in your script, as I described in my 
previous message).

For *some* languages it seems to work, but for most, when you manage to 
do it at all, Revolution messes up the characters (they become 
gibberish, or turn into Japanese). This happens with Esperanto, 
Icelandic, and Turkish, in my experience... European languages that do 
not need the 'US Extended' keyboard in MacOS X for text input seem to 
be supported better (Portuguese and French work fine). It also seems 
that the Japanese users have found workarounds for most common 
problems, even though they report that there are still some.

Note, for instance, that you can set the 'htmlText of LINE x of field y'
But you cannot 'set the unicodeText of LINE x of field y'...

Note also, that these limitations are not exclusive only to list 
fields. It is IMPOSSIBLE, in my experience, to type Esperanto 
characters AT ALL in a Table field (and a Table field would have been 
another possible solution to my problem!)...

These limitations have already been reported to Runtime.
I think the RunRev folks made sure that their first Unicode 
implementation supported the most-often requested languages (like 
Japanese) as good as possible, however, some more work is needed for 
thorough support of Unicode throughout the application...

Thanks for your interest!

Kind Regards,
Igor de Oliveira Couto
igor at

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