4 and a bit mice......
richmond at mail.maclaunch.com
Fri Jun 27 09:21:01 EDT 2003
So I rushed out to the shop to buy MacUser because of the
article on RR....
I left the mag on the shelf (tight wad) because, although
MacUser did award RR the mice I thought the article was
pretty feeble and did not do RR justice.
Now a 4-page spread with lots of juicy pix of a prog. in
development would have said a lot more than MacUser's
rather stuffy text. If RR is, as MacUser claims,
programming for the non-geeky; as we all know it is
(honestly, I'm not geeky) then it should have been backed
up with images of drag-and-drop and object programming.
Reading the article I felt rather sad because it
singularly failed to give an impression of the passion one
could rapidly feel when 'fooling around' with RR.
About 11 years ago I was doing an MA at a university in the
US when my wife and I bought a Macintosh from a Montgomery
Ward shop (Europeans need to think of big supermarkets)
because it was the cheapest machine we could get our hands
on ($1500). We cracked open the box and there was
HYPERCARD....and suddenly the depression created by years
of MiniFortran, Fortran 4, Pascal, Zilog and Basic went
flying out the window, and, Oh Boy, within an hour I had
something semi-respectable up and running. When Hypercard
was allowed to die (Mr Jobs is a rat!) I was very sad and
got lumbered with TOOLBOOK.
So, on returning to Scotland after many years abroad, as
well as the rain, the snow, the greasy food, the narrow
mindedness, and so forth; there was Runtime Revolution;
which was an even bigger kick than Hypercard.
MacUser has no passion, no balls, and, frankly, would not
make me interested in RR at all!
So no mice at all to MacUser for their article.
Come on, fight me, disagree with me, feedback ........
intellectual ferment.
Richmond Mathewson
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