putting a relative large amount of data in 1 line into a field :^)

wouter wouter.abraham at pi.be
Thu Jun 26 08:30:00 EDT 2003

> From: Dar Scott
> Subject: Re: putting a relative large amount of data in 1 line into a 
> field :^)
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:29:10 -0700

>  I find wrap problems at about 9930 characters and above.  I can't  
> scroll to the data, but I can insert line ends to eventually see it.   
> Sometimes the last portion displays as a blank line, but I can click 
> on  it and hit return.
> I added one line to the script:
> put "B" after field "Test"
>  This caused an unexpected quit when the field line was full.
>  Both the wrap problem and the crashes are bugs in my opinion.  Wow!   
> You find two in one blow!  Are you going to report these?  If you 
> don't  like the line length limit, comment on that, too.
>  Dar Scott

Hi again,

Seems I'am running way behind (mailserver problems...).
To be honest, I already did report this before throwing it on the list.
Do I like the line length limit? No, not really. Because this causes a 
lot of work-arounds to be done if on tackles for example binary data 
and want to show it in a field. All this is why I suggested in one of 
the bugreports to add something like a "binary" field to Metacard.
The other part of the suggestion had to do with the wrap function.
In the metacard engine the wrap functions on words, which by definition 
are characters separated by spaces. No spaces, no words, no wraps I was 
So if by accident a string, which has more characters (without spaces) 
than the width of the field allows to show, is entered in the field, 
the user is obliged to use the I-beam and the arrow-keys to be able to 
read the whole thing (which is really annoying if it is a very long 
string). Thank god mobile phones don't use this kind of wrap :^) The 
suggestion was to have this kind of wrapfunction too, as an option.
Anyway, thank you and everybody for the comments, tests and suggestions 
on this subject.


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