putting a relative large amount of data into a field

wouter wouter.abraham at pi.be
Wed Jun 25 09:08:01 EDT 2003

Goodmorning everybody,

Just a small question. Did anybody encounter the following problem?
If a "relative" large amount of data contained in a variable is put 
into a field, the field doesn't show all the data although it seems to 
be present.
To force all the data in the variable to be seen in the field, one has 
to copy it to the field in smaller chunks.
I tested the following scripts on several computers in the vicinity 
(only OS X and that's the why of the question) and they all showed the 
same problem.
(the scripts give a different mileage in Revolution and Metacard, 
although they use the same engine)

on mouseUp
   put "" into fld "output"
   lock screen
   repeat with i = 1 to 10000
     put i & ", " after b
   end repeat
   delete last char of b
   put b into fld "output"
   select after fld "output"
   put the number of items in fld "output"
end mouseUp

If  put i & ", " after b is changed to put i & space after b
it  gives a different amount of output in the field
(for the ease of copy-pasting):

on mouseUp
   put "" into fld "output"
   lock screen
   repeat with i = 1 to 10000
     put i & space after b
   end repeat
   delete last char of b
   put b into fld "output"
   select after fld "output"
   put the number of words in fld "output"
end mouseUp

To force all data to show in the field :

on mouseUp
   lock screen
   put "" into fld "output"
   repeat with i = 1 to 10000
     put i & space after b
   end repeat
   get the number of chars in b
   put it / 1000 into mtimes
   put it mod 1000 into theRemainder
   put 1 into theStart
   repeat with i = 1000 to mtimes * 1000 step 1000
     put char theStart to i  of b after fld "output"
     add 1000 to theStart
   end repeat
    if theRemainder <> 0 then put char theStart to (i + theRemainder) of 
b after fld "output"
  select after fld "output"
end mouseUp

(If I tried to put the numbers 1 to 15000 then I had to force quit 
because of the dreaded colored spinning ball in OS X)

Thank you and have a nice day

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