pageHeights property, but for groups

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon Jun 23 23:27:00 EDT 2003

On Monday, June 23, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Alex Rice wrote:
>> I have a tall scrolling group that I'm using to printout a report. I
>> need something like field's pageHeights property, to scroll the group
>> so as not clip the page in the middle of a line of text. Does anything
>> like that exist?
>> Any pointers by someone who's tackled this one before?
> The formattedheight of the group will tell you how tall it needs to 
> be, and
> the printPageHeight less the top and bottom values of the printMargins 
> will
> give you the height of each page.

I know about the formattedHeight. There is no printPageHeight property. 
There is a printTextHeight but it's just a compatibility property.

However, crux of the problem is that within my group there are multiple 
fields and other groups. Fields may span one or more page heights. I 
need to position the fields and/or groups such that each of the fields 
matches up exactly on the page boundary to avoid clipping a line of 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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