RevJournal Participation Incentives (follow-up)

Alan Golub ASGolub at
Mon Jun 23 10:51:00 EDT 2003

I forgot to mention one additional type of article we¹re interested in. If
you have a market-ready application developed in Revolution, I¹d love for
you to profile it for our revTools section. Essentially I¹m looking for
insights into the development process:

What is the product? What does it do, what need does it address, how did you
analyze competing products?

What other tools did you consider to build it?

What made you decide to develop in Revolution?

What obstacles did you overcome during the development process? How?

What new features in Rev 2.0 will make maintenance/upgrades easier?

If commercial, how are you marketing/selling to the public?

What feedback are you getting from users/reviewers?

Essentially, I¹d like you to speak candidly about your experience developing
a product and getting it to market. Without giving away the farm, I hope
you¹ll provide helpful insights about the process, good and bad, what you¹ve
learned, mistakes you¹ll avoid in the future.

Like the tutorials and reviews I¹m looking for, these types of articles will
also qualify for free promotional consideration on

Thanks again.


On 6/23/03 11:28 AM, "Alan Golub" <ASGolub at> wrote:

> I¹d like to invite all Revolution developers to participate in
> writing/developing tutorials and/or reviews for the revJournal web site. In
> exchange for your contribution, you¹ll get your name and company listed in a
> byline alongside your contribution, and a free banner ad for your
> company/site/product. Major contributors will be eligible to become a
> revJournal ³Sponsor of the Month,² with an ad banner prominently displayed on
> the revJournal home page.
> I¹m open to suggestions for topics you¹d like to write about, but here are
> some things I¹m particularly interested in:
> revSchool: This is our tutorial section. It¹s for folks with relatively little
> programming experience, to provide a firm grounding in the basics. I¹m looking
> for tutorials in the following categories: (a) creating and using custom
> properties; (b) database development; (c) incorporating sound and video; (d)
> using rev¹s drawing tools for interesting interface development; (e)
> cross-platform issues; (f) internet library (HTTP, FTP, libURL, load, etc.);
> (g) XML; (h) rev¹s object-based paradigm; (i) text manipulation; (j) regular
> expressions; (k) common algorithms and data structures; (l) externals (using
> and developing); and (m) printing. Remember, I¹m looking for just the basics
> here for a newbie to get started, although a series of tutorials on a single
> topic should get progressively more advanced.
> revTools: Here¹s where we review third-party resources of interest to Rev
> developers. If you know of a book, plug-in, standalone, web site, etc. that
> you¹d like to write a review about, please contact me. This is an extremely
> broad category, so almost any relevant thing you can think of is ok.
> If you are hesitant due to time constraints and/or lack of writing experience,
> don¹t be! The writing schedule is flexible ‹ we¹ve got sufficient content to
> carry us through at least a couple of months, which leaves ample time to write
> new material for publication in late summer or early fall. As for the writing,
> I will be involved in editing/fine-tuning your submission so that it meets the
> high standards we¹ll be setting for all content.
> If you would like to lend your talents in exchange for promotional
> consideration, please contact me off-list at publisher at
> Thanks all!
> Alan S. Golub


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