altBrowser Question and MAC version of altBrowser...

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon Jun 16 01:51:01 EDT 2003

On Saturday, June 14, 2003, at 04:23  PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> I also contacted Kevin at RunRev and asked his interest in RR using 
> the DLL
> inside their own product. He responded by saying they would consider 
> it IF
> there was cross-platform support. Well, Chris and I weren't in a 
> position to
> build a Mac version. Tuviah said he'd consider it. That's were we are 
> now.
> Tuviah is still interested in building a 'Safari' version, if people 
> are
> interested.

Time to ante up folks! altBrowser looks like winner!

Apparently Apple has not yet released the web browser API "WebKit", 
although I see it's forthcoming from looking at the WWDC schedules. 
What versions of MacOS do you think the altBrowser will run on? It 
won't run on OS 9 right?

If I were to guess based on past OS X developments, this WebKit thing 
it's going to be only available on Cheetah (next Mac OS release). Apple 
will undoubtedly be shipping Safari with future Mac OS releases since 
MS just announced there will be no more Internet Explorer released for 
Mac OS. But it could be a little tricky if someone is running Mac OS 
10.0 to 10.2 and they haven't downloaded Safari.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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