Document Search Summary

Dar Scott dsc at
Fri Jun 13 10:51:00 EDT 2003

On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 03:24 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I have to agree. The addition of the search plug-in does it for me. 
> That was the only thing that I used to wish we had, and now we do. 
> Thanks for a great job, Jeanne. I know how much work you put into 
> this, and it shows.

Mention of the plugin is worth repeating.  I know I had missed it, 
somehow.  Here is what I have learned of searching the documentation in 
Revolution 2:

*** Document Search Summary ***

Search All of Documentation--

Take the Revolution IDE menu to [Development] to [Plugins] to [Search 
Revolution Documentation].  This brings up a search window.  Type the 
word or phrase in the field.  Check the check box for the results to 
show surrounding text.  Click the Search button.

The result is a list of both dictionary entries and other documentation 
units that contain the word or phrase.  (I'm sure whether section or 
article or topic is the name of the other document unit; I'll search on 
that later.)

Search Section--

 From the section "About the Revolution documentation":

      To search for a topic in the current section:
      Type a word or phrase in the Find box at the top of the window
      and press Return or Enter. Continue pressing Return or Enter
      to search for more topics whose title contains the word.
      To search the full text, hold down the Option key (Mac OS or OS X)
      or Alt key (Unix or Windows).

Search the Transcript Dictionary--

Take the Revolution IDE menu to [Help] to [Transcript Dictionary].  
This takes you to the Transcript Dictionary page of the Revolution 
documentation.  This is the gateway to the Transcript Dictionary 
itself.  This page has three powerful methods to find dictionary 
entries.  If I can't quite remember the name of a property, but I think 
it might have "color" in it, then the "Filter with" method works best 
for me.  Click on the entry name to go to the entry in the Transcript 

Once in the TD, you can search with the "Find term" field at the top.  
To go directly to a dictionary entry, enter the name of the special 
word and hit return.  To find a particular word in the entire entry 
starting with the current entry (or the last search) hit option-return. 
  Notice that the "Find term" process here is the same as the "Find 
article" (topic?) process above.

While in the script editor control-click (Mac) or right-click (Other) 
in or just before a word to get an abbreviated reminder for that entry. 
  Click on the expanding button in that reminder to see the full entry.  
A typical assignment for the right button on a Mac with a multi-button 
mouse is control-click, so right-click might work.  Right-click will 
work on other systems.  I simply remember "right-click".  This works 
best for single-word entries.

We have asked for search.  We have it in abundance.

Dar Scott

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