Revolution 2.0.1 now available

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Sun Jun 8 19:36:02 EDT 2003

> Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 10:04:44 -0400
> Subject: Re: Revolution 2.0.1 now available
> From: Donald Watson <hyperdon at>
> on 6/7/03 6:59 AM, Kevin Miller at kevin at wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> We've just uploaded version 2.0.1, fixing a number of minor glitches in 2.0.
>> The items below have been addressed:
> Hello Listas,
> As much as I like getting upgrades to Rev or any apps really, I wonder why
> one is forced to dl the complete package for incremental updates. Why
> couldn't patches be used to perform the necessary updates. I suppose if one
> is connected by dsl or better it really doenn't matter. But speaking as one
> with 56k modem access, getting a 10mb or better download through a straw is
> iffy at best.
Lemme take a shot at this:
1) Rev is a dev tool, or, more correctly a set of dev tools in a GUI . At
its core is a complex engine (the MetaCard engine) which interacts with and
manipulates your OS, sometimes (I would guess) even in its primitives.

2) Rev's interface is, in turn, also complex in how it works with the
engine. It is designed to create software quicky and efficiently.

3) Altering some things in such tools, because they're _tools_ can easily
affect a myriad of its functions, and visa versa.

What it means: Sometimes 'patches' will work fine if it affects independent
modules, other times patches are impractical, IOW a patch-only solution
could cause the whole structure to slow down, goof up filepaths, etc.

So, it just depends. In this case, I'm going to trust the RunRev team to
deliver their product in the best overall way they can. I have other things
to do in my life, i.e., I can go get a haircut,  eat supper, walk my dog,
whatever. 90% or better of the time the D/L will go perfectly (I use a 56K
modem, too), and _all_ my RunRev D/Ls have come just fine.

Last week I D/L'd "Warbird III" overnight, i.e., it took 9 hours. I shut
down the monitor and went to bed.  But, it's a great free flight sim game
(designed to play with others online which really _does_ require DSL, but I
can play it alone for now). I figured, what the heck...if it fails, I
haven't lost a night's sleep or anything, although it's not something I want
to make a habit of, because it _does_ use some power I wouldn't otherwise

The next morning I was elated to see it was successful. I set up my new
flight stick and began training.

Ken N.

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