Emmanuel Companys mcompanys at
Fri Jun 6 04:12:02 EDT 2003

Le vendredi, 6 juin 2003, à 01:37 Europe/Paris, Sarah a écrit :

> I had this sort of problem when I had a file with a non-standard 
> character. You also have a non-standard character in your file name. 
> If you change this, I'm sure your save problems will disappear.

It did! Thank you, Sarah.

Now, isn't it a shame you cannot even use the "ß" to show a beta 
release in the file title? Moreover, that excludes languages using 
special or accented characters. I'll try to find out which ASCII codes 
are thus forbidden in RR 2.0 file titles, and let know it. But maybe 
somebody in RR staff  can tell us first...


> On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 01:27  am, Emmanuel Companys wrote:
>> Most of the difficulties disappeared when I delete all 1.1.1 files; 
>> but NOT ALL  of them!. The worst deals with saving and the file name.
>> 1°) I can save the stack I am working on, and even modify its name 
>> and/or label, BUT (for instance)
>> "put name of this stack" returns "Litteris 1.1.1 ß"
>> "put the long name of this stack"  returns "...desktop/Litteris 1.1 
>> o.rev"
>> and the actual name of the file on my desktop is still "Litteris 1.1 
>> o"  (with no .rev)
>> This file opens my stack "Litteris 1.1.1 ß" that can be used, 
>> modified  and saved all right.
>> 2°) If I try to modify the file name, I am back with the 
>> impossibility of saving and I end up with two icons: the previous one 
>> and a file labelled, for instance, "Litteris 1.1.1 ß.rev~" that 
>> won't open:  leaving or removing the tilde I get the same 
>> "...Revolution has unexpectedly quitted" as soon as I click on it.
>> 3°) If I try to use the "SAVE AS..." item, I get the same result as 
>> in 2.
>> Now my question is:
>> How can I have a file stack with the correct name?"
>> and, just to satisfy my curiosity:
>> - where this "ß" (radical, umlaut u) replacing the last character, 
>> comes from?
>> - why the saved file, when resavable, doesn't receive the .rev suffix 
>> as did the file of my stack "Polylexis" which never gave me any 
>> trouble?
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