Script Improvement Advice

T. R. Ponn alptex2 at
Thu Jun 5 13:37:00 EDT 2003


There's a minor problem with a part of my script...the field is locked. 
 So, in order to edit it, you would have to first unlock it.  Sorry...I 
missed that little detail.  ;=)

Perhaps a better way, anyway (since you would be allowing the "user" to 
change things), would be to create a text file to hold the data, 
formatted in the same manner.  On openStack, this file could be opened, 
read and placed into the hidden field.  Then, remove the "if the 
oprionKey is down" portion of the code in the card and leave the field 
hidden.  This approach would also allow the user to save those changes 
to the text file when he/she closes the stack...assuming you'll be 
building a standalone from this.

Best Regards,

Tim Ponn

Paul Charlesworth wrote:

> Cool! I'll need to read a little more to understand the "getline" part 
> of the script, but the idea of allowing an end user to edit the 
> content would be useful if they want a different number of sig figs 
> for example. Not only that, but it would save me a lot of "put" and 
> "set" commands.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 09:12 AM, T. R. Ponn wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> This looks like a fun one.
>> I'd do something like this:
>> Create a scrolling field and name it Data1
>> Put your data into the scrolling field in the form: 
>> H,Hydrogen,1,1.08,37,N/A,........  with 1 element to a line.
>> Set the script to:
>> on mouseUp
>>     hide me
>> end mouseUp
>> Now lock the field and hide it.
>> Create and name all your buttons: Sb...Cr...He...H...  etc
>> Do not put any script in these buttons.
>> Create and name your "output" fields: Data2...Data3...Data4
>> No scriptiung required in these fields
>> Set the script of the card to:
>> on mouseUp
>>  if the optionKey is down then --If you want to edit the scrolling field
>>    show fld "Data1"
>>    exit mouseUp
>>  end if
>>  get line (lineOffset(cr&the short name of the target&",",fld 
>> "Data1")+1) of fld "Data1"
>>  repeat with i=2 to the number of items of it
>>    put item i of it into fld ("Data"&i)
>>  end repeat
>> end mouseUp
>> I tried it here and it seems to work fine.
>> You could also skip the scrolling field and put the data into an 
>> external text file.
>> Best Regards,
>> Tim Ponn
>> Paul Charlesworth wrote:
>>> Dear All:
>>> I am working on my first ever programming project, a simple periodic 
>>> table, and have created the interface using colored buttons. At the 
>>> bottom of the screen I have an area with elemental properties. This 
>>> is basically a Tab area (for future options) and a series of fields 
>>> for each property.
>>> What I would like to know is the most elegant beginners way to 
>>> script the placement of properties into each field on pressing an 
>>> element button. At this point I am adding the following script to 
>>> each >> button:
>>> on mouseup
>>>   put "Hydrogen" into field "ElementNameField"
>>>   put "1" into field "AtomicNumberField"
>>>   put "1.008" into field "AtomicMassField"
>>>   put "37" into field "AtomicRadiusField"
>>>   put "N/A" into field "IonicRadiusField"
>>>   put "1" into field "OxidationStatesField"
>>>   put "gas" into field "StateField"
>>>   put "8.9E-5" into field "DensityField"
>>>   put "-259" into field "MeltingPointField"
>>>   put "-253" into field "BoilingPointField"
>>>   put "0.12" into field "HeatFusionField"
>>>   put "0.90" into field "HeatVapField"
>>>   put "14.90" into field "SpecificHeatField"
>>>   put "0.002" into field "ThermalCondField"
>>>   put "13.60" into field "IonizationEnergyField"
>>>   put "0.75" into field "ElectronAffinityField"
>>>   put "2.2" into field "ElectronegativityField"
>>>   put "1400" into field "AbundanceField"
>>> end mouseup
>>> It works great, but I hoping to learn if there was a better way that 
>>> might improve speed or save file size. My next questions will 
>>> probably be about icons, about boxes, building, and distribution.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Paul
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