RunRev: right for this project?

Mark Brownell gizmotron at
Wed Jun 4 23:14:00 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 07:32  PM, Alan Simon wrote:

> Hello, I've been trying to decide if Runtime Revolution is the right 
> tool to develop my new project (I'm also considering 4D and 
> REALbasic). I'd appreciate any opinions on the suitability of Runtime 
> Revolution for this project:
> The project involves generating a report of a medical procedure.  Four 
> people are involved in supplying data for the report, all of whom work 
> in different places.
> [snip]
> Despite reading the available documentation, I've been unable to tell 
> which programming environment would work best, particularly regarding 
> the ease of having multiple users enter data, and the importance of 
> using a database-centered programming environment, like 4D or 
> Filemaker, as opposed to a more general programming environment like 
> Runtime Revolution.  My programming experience is limited, and I don't 
> want to find out a few months down the road that I made the wrong 
> choice.
> Thanks,
> Alan Simon

Hi Alan,

One question first. Is this in the United States? Because if it is you 
will need to create access privileges for each user and you will need 
to encrypt data before sending back and forth from computer to 
computer; not to mention the medical practice conducting itself within 
the guidelines of HIPAA compliance. If that is what you have in mind 
then you might look at Run Rev in combination with the Valentina 
database using FTP. That database can encrypt text as well as other 
kinds of media using the Blowfish encryption algorithm. I suggest this 
because you will need to use a server based CGI setup in order to 
integrate data transfers with other tools like Filemaker or 4D. Here is 
something else to consider. If you develop in Run Rev & Valentina you 
can also integrate with other application developing applications like 
Director and RealBasic that can still work with the same Valentina 
database that you use with Run Rev.

just my two-cents ... I'm not much of a Run Rev programmer yet.

Mark Brownell

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