Rotate and save JPEG images without compressing again

Stephen Quinn Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Wed Jun 4 12:45:00 EDT 2003

Don't forget Lemke's 'Graphic Converter' which claims to do 'lossless 
rotation' and has superb batch processing capabilities, and can 
convert even the most obscure graphic format.  $35 shareware, MacOS 
and OSX.

highly recommended by me.

>On 4/6/03 8:31 AM, "Sannyasin Sivakatirswami" <katir at> wrote:
>>  Does anyone know of a way to import a jpeg image and rotate that image
>>  save the file without re-compression of the data, and also maintaining
>>  the original file size?
>>  Most of the photo manipulation tools we have on the mac (OSX):
>>  Photoshop, iView, ImageReady can all do this. Unfortunately these tools
>>  each have their draw backs for a production schedule wherein one is
>>  trying to dispatch processing of anywhere between 15 and 70 incoming
>  > hi-res digital photos  from a camera in 10-15 minutes time.

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