Snap images to location....

Monte Goulding monte at
Tue Jun 3 18:32:02 EDT 2003

Oops try this:

on mouseDown
  set the borderWidth of the target to 7
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the borderWidth of the target to 1
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  set the borderWidth of the target to 1
end mouseRelease

on mouseMove x,y
  if the borderWidth of the target = 7 then
	put x,y into tLoc
	set the loc of the target to tLoc
	if tLoc is within 150,85,160,100 then
	   put "good job"
      else if tLoc is within 370,70,395,95 then
         put "New good job"
      end if	
  end if
end mouseMove

Cheers again


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