Bug in Rev 2 for OSX: The window of the Build Distribution is too little!

Mathewson richmond at mail.maclaunch.com
Tue Jun 3 03:54:02 EDT 2003

To: use-revolution at runrev.com
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Congratulations: Run Rev 2 is fantastic - loads of powerful
new features. However, rather like the bug with JPEGS not
showing up from a CD or a server in RR 1.1.1 (has this been
corrected in RR2 ???); there are one or 2 annoying little
flaws that have, surprisingly, been overlooked.  The
distribution builder window is one of them (I run an old
grey desktop G3 with a 500 MHz G4 upgrade with Mac OS

This is a real BUGGER!!!

I can just about 'touch' the tops of the distro builder
buttons with the pointer.  However, as I cannot see the
buttons fully I don't know what each one is meant to do.

Maybe ???  the distro builder can be opened in Metacard and
enlarged ?  Going to have a bash at that myself.

Richmond Mathewson
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