Database error?

Andre Rombauts andre.rombauts at
Thu Jul 31 07:19:01 EDT 2003

What am I doing wrong?

Using the following, I'm getting an error. In fact revNumberOfRecords returns -1 instead of the number of records. This error is not documented. RunRev doc present a possible error as a litteral data ("revDBerr" or something like that.
on mouseUp
    put empty into field "field 1"
    put revOpenDatabase("ODBC","revo","","","") into myDB
    put revQueryDatabase(MyDB,"SELECT * FROM Nouns") into myRecSet
    put revNumberOfRecords(myRecSet) into NbRec
    repeat NbRec times
        put revCurrentRecord(myRecSet) after field "field 1"
        put revDatabaseColumnNamed(myRecSet,"Noun") & cr after field "field 1"
        revMoveToNextRecord myRecSet
    end repeat
    revCloseDatabase MyDB
end mouseUp
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