Proposal - the use-revolution list

Carsten carstenlist at
Thu Jul 31 03:25:00 EDT 2003

The Use Revolution List is a splendid tool and have for a long time 
done a great job.

But I believe that some of the support requests by prof. licencees and 
others to support at could be avoided if the list was 
reorganized to allow for a better overview of the debate.
Either a compleete remake or a supplementary/double strategy.

It would, as I see it, be a good idea to change the list to a Forum.

The concept and princip could still be the same: Free and open for all, 
and RunRev answering questions/taking part in the debates and 
announcing as now.

The case is that Revolution has developed into a much more mature 
product and has a much broader appeal than could be said about MetaCard 
2-3 years ago. And therefore the list-concept first adopted by MetaCard 
and then continued by RunRev is now outgrown.

We have used the archive all the time - but it is not as good as a 
forum. It does retain treads, but a lot could be said against the way 
it acutally works.

A forum could be organized in chapters (the right word?)
Some examples:
-Graphic formats
---sub issue
---sub issue
---sub issue
etc. etc.

And within each chaptor and its sub issues the users will start and add 
to threads.


One solution is to take a Mac OS X based Mac or a Linux based Intel 
computer and install one of the open source systems:
I would suggest having a look at: or (vbulletin is not free but only USD 160 and 
supported and used by many)
But many more can be found at:

If there should still be a whish for a list system, then it could be 
set up to e-mail all new entries to those subscribing.

Best regards

Carsten Levin

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