dumping (exporting?) the scripts to text files
Joel Rees
joel at alpsgiken.gr.jp
Wed Jul 30 05:16:00 EDT 2003
(Hope you don't mind if I shove this back to the list, Alex.)
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 01:59 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
> >
> > Hmm. Perhaps everyone just writes metatalk/transcript scripts to do
> > these kinds of tasks?
> Probably your best bet- you can get and set the script property
> directly:
> put the script of stack "MyStack" into URL "file:/tmp/test.xxx"
Great. Tried to do that before, but for some reason I didn't go quite
far enough.
(For some reason, I don't do well with "natural language"
programming. I seem to have trouble knowing how far to let the computer
think for me, or something.)
Now I have the vicious cycle I expected -- can't load the text file in
TextEdit for some reason. (I'll check with Hexdump in a minute.) Once I
load it in Project Builder, I'm stuck, because Project Builder assumes
that the encoding was UTF-8 unless there's a BOM. No way to tell it it
was Shift-JIS.
Let's see, there was a trick that worked for fields I saw on the
Japanese users list, let's see if I can dig that out. Or maybe use this
as an excuse to buy BBEdit.
Oh, and thanks, Klaus, Malte, and Fumitaka. I'll check those scripts
tomorrow, because I'm going to need a fair amount of automation with
this conversion.
> What does Alpsgiken do? It's a cool looking site, but I don't read
> Japanse.
Thanks for asking. We do outsourcing. Mostly, it's electronics design
work, but we have a software group that's busy defining itself and
getting into the black. (Used to have two groups, and I guess I need to
change my sig, as soon as I find out what the English version will be.)
I've been helping with web apps in php and perl, but we have a customer
that has some Hypercard stacks, and I'm the designated Mac guy, I guess.
Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan
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