Multithread/Background function execution in Rev?

nfeasey at nfeasey at
Tue Jul 29 16:06:01 EDT 2003

Many thanks to all who responded.  Still not working as I want it to I'm

I tried using the send command and Revolution still wants to complete the
dissolve before relinquishing the keyboard back to the end user.

It basically wants to finish this sequence...

show button "myButton" with visual effect dissolve
wait 2 seconds
hide button "myButton" with visual effect dissolve

...first and then relinquishes command back to the keyboard for user input.

I want the above sequence to proceed while the user continues to type input
into various fields that are on the screen with NO interruption.



P.S. Dar, I would be very interested in your primer.  It would be a very
interesting read.111

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Gehlbach [mailto:steve at] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:26 PM
To: use-revolution at
Subject: Re: Multithread/Background function execution in Rev?

>> Is there a way to fire off my little fade in/out function (or any 
>> function/message for that matter) in a separate event, process, 
>> thread
> Yes.
> Look at 'send' and its friends 'cancel' and 'pendingMessages'. Dar
> Scott

I took the Hello World tutorial an an example and changed it as below. 
It is interesting that if you start the visual effect first, it seems to 
block the "move field".  But if you do it the way I have below, it works 
on Windows and Linux (although clunkyness may be platform dependent I 
suspect).  To me it seems that Revolution is mutithreaded sometimes.

Am I doing this along the lines of what you were suggesting?


***the card script:

on preOpenCard
   set the loc of field "My Field" to -100,-50
   hide graphic "My World"
end preOpenCard

on myWorldMsg
   show graphic "My World" with visual effect dissolve
end myWorldMsg

on myFieldMsg
   move field "My Field" to the location of this card
end myFieldMsg

***the Start button script:

on mouseUP

     send "myFieldMsg" to me in 1 milliseconds
     send "myWorldMsg" to me in 300 milliseconds

end mouseUP

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