.rev file association issues

Joel Rees joel at alpsgiken.gr.jp
Mon Jul 28 23:57:00 EDT 2003

> Okay.....that doesn't work. Even though it should. I also tried going to the folder options control panel and creating a new association for .rev - no luck.
> If this is a bug, who's is it?

Why Microsoft's, of course.     8-0

Well, it really is. It's a design bug. 

Microsoft has never been strong on design. In this case they borrowed
from UNIX and the old Mac OS and did the worst thing. And so we have our
file extension conflicts in the MSW registry. Archivers take precedence
over some scripting language nobody has ever heard of, especially if the
language is cross-platform. And the user loses.

Worst comes to worst, edit the registry. Make a backup first, of course.
And make sure you don't change ANYTHING but the entries for .rev. And
don't sue me if you end up associating .rev with the task bar.

> >----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
> >From: "Edwin Gore"
> >To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> >Sent: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:01:52
> >
> >When you go into properties and click "Change" the
> >dialog that shows up with the list of Apps should
> >have an "Other..." button. Click on this, navigate
> >to the location you installed Revolution, and
> >select Revolution.exe as the appliaction to open
> >.rev files.
> >
> >As far as figuring out what extensions are in use
> >by who, I've found http://filext.com/ to be a
> >valuable resource. For my windows work I have
> >usually settled on something that's descriptive,
> >and not in use by anything too common.

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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