Universal GUI

Kurt Kaufman kkaufman at snet.net
Mon Jul 28 16:23:00 EDT 2003

"...I understand progressive discovery. I find in most instances it 
problems. I'd much rather see a menu item disabled and still holding a
place, then removed completely from a menu. Microsoft is terrible with 
with "Menus show recently used commands first." I hate it, and disable 
feature each time I install Office2000 or Outlook...."

My wife is not especially computer savvy, but is able to efficiently 
run the software she uses every day. Recently, during one of the few 
times she opened MS Word XP, she became frustrated because the menu 
items she expected to be in a certain place were suddenly not there; 
this due to the "feature" described above.  I also have disabled a 
similar application- and document-hiding "feature" in the WinXP start 
menu on all the computers in our office.
We'll have the patience to look through a few extra lines of text to 
find what we need, when we need it, thank you.


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